BUS350: Strategic Marketing Assignment, MU, Singapore A written report on the design of a marketing strategy and implementation plan for a new or improved product

A written report on the design of a marketing strategy and implementation plan for a new or improved product or a service of your choice underpinned by academic and professional literature. The proposed product must be marketed by an existing,…

September 14th, 2023 | BUS350 MU | MU ASSIGNMENT

Tourism & Events Assignment, MU, Singapore ‘Dark tourism’, also known as tourism, is a growing form of niche tourism associated with dark events, sightings, history

‘Dark tourism’, also known as tourism, is a growing form of niche tourism associated with dark events, sightings, history, or themes connected to noteworthy death, horror, misfortune, myths, and macabre. Dark tourism is a multifaceted phenomenon only introduced in the…


WEB301: Web Communication Project Assignment, MU, Singapore The Migrant Workers Centre in Singapore is an organization set up in the year 2009 by the Government

The Migrant Workers Centre in Singapore is an organization set up in the year 2009 by the Government of Singapore for providing support to the migrant workers of the country, especially individuals who are engaged in the field of construction,…

August 8th, 2023 | MU ASSIGNMENT | WEB301: MU

PSY391: Individual Differences and Performance Assignment, MU, Singapore Using your PSY391 peers as a point of comparison, what do your scores on the 120-item IPIP by Maples et al

There are three major questions to be answered as part this assignment. 1. Using your PSY391 peers as a point of comparison, what do your scores on the 120-item IPIP by Maples et al. (2014) suggest about the five major…

May 24th, 2023 | MU ASSIGNMENT | PSY391 MU
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