CSCI361: Cryptography and Secure Applications Assignment, UOW, Singapore Consider the Affine Cipher on the alphabet Z26 = {A, B, . . . , Z} with the usual identification
Aims: 1. To gain a basic familiarity with some security concepts, and with classical ciphers, including statistical methods for cryptanalysis of them. 2. To become familiar with block ciphers, mode of operations, the importance of S-box and cryptanalysis of linear…
CSCI361: Cryptography and Secure Applications Assignment, UOW, Singapore you are to design and implement (t, n) Shamirβs secret sharing scheme as described in the lecture in C++, Java or Python
Task 1. Cryptanalysis Let πΈππ be an encryption algorithm based on a one-way function πΉ , and π a shared secret key between the sender and the receiver. πΈππ works as follows: 1. Compute πΎ = πΉ(π)||πΉ(2π)||πΉ(3π)||πΉ(4π)||.. ; 2. For…
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