At which university do you study?
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Most popular universities and schools
- Adama Science And Technology University (ASTU)
- Ahmad Dahlan University (ADU)
- Amity Global Institute (AGI)
- Anglia Ruskin University (ARU)
- Arkansas State University (ASU)
- Asian International College (AIC)
- Australia's Global University (AGU)
- BCA Academy (BCAA)
- Beacon International College (BIC)
- Benedictine University (BU)
- Birmingham City University (BCU)
- Bond University (BU)
- Cardiff Metropolitan University (CMU)
- Charles Darwin University (CDU)
- Coventry University (CU)
- Curtin University (CU)
- De Montfort University (DMU)
- Dimensions International College (DIC)
- Duke University (DU)
- Edinburgh Napier University (ENU)
- Edinburgh University Press (EUP)
- ENEB School of Business
- Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT)
- Exerceo Business International College (EBIC)
- Faculty of Business Environment and Society (BES)
- Federation University (FU)
- Florida Institute of Technology (FIT)
- Global School of Technology & Management (GSTM)
- Harvard Business School (HBS)
- Harvard University (HU)
- Houston Community College (HCC)
- INET Collage Mancaly Myarmar
- Institute of Health and Management (IHM)
- Institute Of Human Services(ACC)
- Institute of Singapore Chartered Account (ISCA)
- Institute of Technical Education (ITE)
- International Compliance Association (ICA)
- International Compliance Training Academy (ICTA)
- INTI International University (INTI)
- James Cook University (JCU)
- Kaplan Higher Education Academy (KHEA)
- Kaplan University (KU)
- King's College London (KCL)
- La Trobe University (LTU)
- Leeds Beckett University (LBU)
- Liberty University (LU)
- LIGS University (LU)
- London School of Business and Finance (LSBF)
- London School of Economics and Political Science (LSEP)
- M*nash Univ*rsity (MU)
- Macquarie University (MU)
- Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)
- Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS)
- Maynooth University (MU)
- MLA College (MC)
- Monash University (MU)
- Murdoch university (MU)
- Nanyang Business School (NBS)
- Nanyang Institute of Management (NIM)
- Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP)
- Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
- National Institute of Early Childhood Development (NIEC)
- National Institute of Education (NIE)
- National Library Board Singapore (NLB)
- National University (NU)
- National University of Singapore (NUS)
- New Flight Training School (NFTS)
- New York University (NYU)
- Newcastle Business School (NBS)
- Newcastle University (NU)
- Ngee Ann Polytechnic
- North Kent College (NKC)
- Northumbria University (NU)
- Nottingham University Business School (NUBS)
- NTUC LearningHub
- NUS Business School
- Open University Malaysia (OUM)
- Oxford Brookes University (OBU)
- PSB Academy (PSB)
- Rand University (RU)
- Republic Polytechnic (RP)
- RMIT University (RMIT)
- Royal College of Art (RCA)
- Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL)
- School buzz (SB)
- School of Business (SB)
- School of Health Science (HSE)
- School of Management (SM)
- SHRM College (SHRM)
- SIM Global Education (SIMGE)
- Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF)
- Singapore Institute of Management (SIM)
- Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)
- Singapore Management University (SMU)
- Singapore Polytechnic (SP)
- Singapore Polytechnic School of Business (SP)
- Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
- Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
- Stanfort Academy (SA)
- Swinburne University of Technology (SUT)
- Teesside University (TU)
- TEG International College
- Temasek Polytechnic (TP)
- The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)
- The University of Melbourne (UoM)
- The University of Newcastle (UoN)
- The University of Queensland (TUQ)
- Torrens University Australia (TOA)
- Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
- Universal Business Academy (UBA)
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
- University College Dublin (UCD)
- University College London (UCL)
- University of Adelaide (UoA)
- University of Auckland (UOA)
- University of Birmingham (UoB)
- University of Cambridge (UC)
- University of Canterbury (UC)
- University of Essex (UOE)
- University of Exeter (UoE)
- University of Glasgow (UOG)
- University of Leeds (UoL)
- University of London (UOL)
- University of Manchester (UoM)
- University of New South Wales (UNSW)
- University of Newcastle (UON)
- University of Northampton (UoN)
- University of Nottingham (UON)
- University of Oxford (UO)
- University of Phoenix (UP)
- University of Pittsburgh (PITT)
- University of Roehampton Business School (URBS)
- University of Roehampton London (URL)
- University of South Australia (UOA)
- University of Suffolk (UOS)
- University of Sunderland (UOS)
- University of Technology Sydney (UTS
- University of the Arts London (UAL)
- University of the West of England (UWE)
- University of Warwick (UOW)
- University of Wollongong (UOW)
- Victoria University (VU)
- York Business School (YBS)
- York Business School (YBS)