BUS353: Project Management Dissertation, SUSS, Singapore Provide evidence of the background reading and research you have done to inform your choice of topic
Provide evidence of the background reading and research you have done to inform your choice of topic. This should be clearly understandable and informative. This is your opportunity to, not only educate others but also generate interest and enthusiasm in the reader.
If you are doing a literature review: explain how your proposed topic can be explored using existing research in the field and the approach you are going to take to elicit the information from the literature i.e. the search strategy including sources, keywords, and how the search will be filtered/refined.
Describe how you intend to carry out your research. Check that all your methods are achievable. For data analysis or a literature review, detail how your proposed methods of analysis attack the aims/hypothesis. Depict the strengths and possible flaws these methods may present.
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