Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
- Workplace Wellness
- Work and Learning in a Changing World
- Crisis Management
- Business and commercial awareness
- Brand Managment
- HFS201 Workplace Evaluation and Design
- SST101: Principles of Project Management
- HFSY217 Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
- Applications of Multimedia Networks
- mtd
- PSS213: Criminal Law in Practice
- LOG307: Optimization and Simulation for Decision Making
- BSE217: Motor Development Control and Learning
- BPM213: Procurement Management
- SOC361: Medical Sociology
- HBC201: Research Methods for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
- SEC341: Terrorism and Society
- SEC345: Non-Traditional Security
- FIN525: Machine Learning Deep Learning and Applications in Finance
- FMT306: Strategic Asset Property and Facilities Management
- BUS107 Quantitative Method
- SWK203e: Biological Influences on Human Behavior
- SWK203: Biological Influences on Human Behavior
- CCS251: Policy Making in China
- ANL203: Analytics for Decision-Making
- SWK291: Social Work Practice and Skills lab 1: Working with Individuals and Families
- BPM301: LCC and Sustainable Design and Construction
- MKT553: Search Engine Optimization
- SPE309: Mental Health Issues in Special Needs
- TSL569: English Pronunciation and TESOL
- COU209: Assessment Methods in Counselling
- BSE321: Ecological Literacy and Sustainability in Outdoor Education
- MTD369: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
- MKT358: Integrated Marketing Communications
- SWK211: Reflective Practice and Cultural
- PSY353e: Positive Psychology
- ENG233: Internet of Things
- BSE207: Exercise Physiology
- TAX521: OECD Model Tax Convention
- FIN523: Wealth Management and Investment Products
- BPM309: Cost Management for M&E Works
- PSS221: Urban Resilience and Security
- SCO119: Understanding Vulnerability
- EMT201: Events Business
- BPM305: Project Scheduling and Control
- BSE217 Motor Development
- ICT239: Web Application Development
- PSS315: Peacebuilding and Security
- FMT315: Sustainable Buildings
- SCO104: Globalization & Technology
- SOC301: Sociological Theories and Perspectives
- FIN382: Risk Management for Finance and Technology
- ANL503: Data Wrangling
- ECE102: Children as Thinkers and Meaning Makers
- HBC101: Understanding Contemporary Society
- SOC265: Urban Sociology
- HRM318: Human Capital Measurement
- HFS376: Human Factors in Defence and Security
- HFS376: Human Factors in Defence and Security ECA
- EMT307: Logistics and Site Operations
- FIN358: Fixed Income and Derivative Securities
- SWK107e: Introduction to Social Services
- HRM233: Training and Development
- BUS107: Quantitative Methods
- PSY367: Work Stress
- SWK354e Families and their Issues
- FMT213: Security Management for the Built Environment
- LOG351: Lean Six Sigma for Supply Chains TMA
- PSY371e: Performance Psychology
- HRM359: Global Human Resource
- LOG353: Ocean Freight Management
- 2ECO203e: International Economics
- HRM261: Work Motivation
- BUS353 Project Management
- MGMT436: Strategic Management
- SWK403: Social Work Practice II: Groupwork and Community Organisation
- BME363 Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
- PSY373: Psychology of Nonverbal Behaviours
- LOG358 Airport and Airline Logistics
- BME355: Genomic Sequence Analysis
- COM259e: Creative Advertising and Copywriting
- SDE102 Developing Academic Writing Skills
- COM302: Corporate Communication
- PSY253 Educational Psychology in Singapore
- FIN355: Equity Securities
- BSE315: Recreational Sport Programme Management
- BSE311: Health and Wellness: Exercise And Lifestyle Factors
- MKT202: Marketing Management
- SEC333e: Government and Security
- HCM553: Performance Management and Total Rewards Strategy
- FMT303: Property Law
- LOG203: Inventory Management
- FMT311: Green Building Assessment Standards
- HRM335: Leadership Development
- GSP153: Art Appreciation
- COU559: Crisis Intervention
- ACC203: Managerial Accounting
- ACC302: Advanced Financial Reporting
- SOC205: Singapore Society
- BPM109: Contract Administration
- HRM357 Workforce Planning
- ECE100: Children Care and Education: Issues and Contexts
- HFS353: Incident and Accident Investigation
- HCM539: Human Capital Strategy and Business Partnering
- PSY390: Research Method
- FEM213: Security Management for the Built Environment
- SWK105: Human Growth and Life-Span Development (Adulthood to Old Age)
- SEC347 Ethical Issues in Security Enforcement
- COM308: Analysis of Issues and Trends in the Communication Industry
- COM105: Media Communication in a Changing World
- ELT376: Contemporary Literature
- COU104e: Social Emotional Learning
- COU104:Social Emotional Learning
- Social Emotional Learning
- ACC202: Financial and Managerial Accounting
- ANL305:Association and Clustering