BUS350: Strategic Marketing Case Study, MU, Singapore A former SAS officer from Western Australia is forging a name for himself in the New York fashion world as co-founder of the brand Killn Kapture

A former SAS officer from Western Australia is forging a name for himself in the New York fashion world as co-founder of the brand Kill_Kapture. For Mark Wales, his time spent in the military had a significant impact on the…

September 14th, 2023 | BUS350 MU

BUS350: Strategic Marketing Assignment, MU, Singapore A written report on the design of a marketing strategy and implementation plan for a new or improved product

A written report on the design of a marketing strategy and implementation plan for a new or improved product or a service of your choice underpinned by academic and professional literature. The proposed product must be marketed by an existing,…

September 14th, 2023 | BUS350 MU | MU ASSIGNMENT
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