LOG307: Optimisation and Simulation for Decision-Making Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Inventory holding cost is one of the highest costs a company incurs and Therefore, companies always try to reduce inventory costs

Inventory holding cost is one of the highest costs a company incurs. Therefore, companies always try to reduce inventory costs by implementing appropriate strategies. One such company is Pepsico Foodservice. Pepsico is trying to control inventory costs for one of…

July 25th, 2023 | LOG307 SUSS

LOG307: Optimisation and Simulation for Decision-Making Assignment, SUSS, Singapore You are reminded that electronic transmission is not immediate andThe network traffic may be particularly

You are reminded that electronic transmission is not immediate. The network traffic may be particularly heavy on the date of the submission deadline and connections to the system cannot be guaranteed. Hence, you are advised to submit your work early.…

LOG307: Optimization and Simulation for Decision Making Assignment, SUSS, Singapore SOCAR is a rental car company based in Malaysia. Currently, the Johor Bahru and Penang branches have 19 and 23 surplus cars

Question 1 SOCAR is a rental car company based in Malaysia. Currently, the Johor Bahru and Penang branches have 19 and 23 surplus cars, respectively, while the Malacca, Port Dickson, Kuala Lumpur, and Putrajaya branches each need 12 cars. Table…

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