SCO104: Globalization and Technology Essay, SUSS, Singapore Technological change has deepened globalization and weakened the relevance of the nation-state

Technological change has deepened globalization and weakened the relevance of the nation-state. Your written response must be grounded in a specific context, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact of Big Tech, the US-China trade war, or the Smart Nation…

September 26th, 2023 | SCO104 QUIZ | SCO104 SUSS

SCO104 Globalisation and Technology Assignment SUSS, Singapore Identify and explain the risks AI can pose to the nation-state, and develop a position on how your identified risks can be addressed

TMA Question The Centre for AI Safety released a one-sentence statement in May 2023. It reads, “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.” (Center for…

SCO104 Globalisation and Technology Tutor-Marked Assignment, SUSS, Singapore The Centre for AI Safety has released a one-sentence statement in May 2023

The Centre for AI Safety has released a one-sentence statement in May 2023. It reads, “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.” (Center for AI…

September 5th, 2023 | sco104 pcoq | SCO104 SUSS | SCO104 TMA

SCO104: Globalisation and Technology Essay, SUSS, Singapore Identify and explain the risks AI can pose to the nation-state, and develop a position on how your identified risks can be addressed

Identify and explain the risks AI can pose to the nation-state, and develop a position on how your identified risks can be addressed. Your response must engage, include, and/or be based on the following, in a relevant and logical fashion:…

September 1st, 2023 | SCO104 SUSS | TECHNOLOGY ESSAY

SCO104: Globalization and Technology Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Technological change has deepened globalization and weakened the relevance of the nation-state

Technological change has deepened globalization and weakened the relevance of the nation-state. Your written response must be grounded in a specific context, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact of Big Tech, the US-China trade war, or the Smart Nation…

July 29th, 2023 | SCO104 ASSIGNMENT | SCO104 SUSS

SCO104: Globalisation and Technology Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Your written response must be grounded in a specific context, such as the Covid-19

Technological change has deepened globalization and weakened the relevance of the nation-state. Your written response must be grounded in a specific context, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact of Big Tech, the US-China trade war, or the Smart Nation…


SCO104: Does globalization threaten to make us all the same or does it open new, hybrid forms of culture: Globalisation and Technology Assignment, SUSS, Singapore

Question: Does globalization threaten to make us all the same or does it open new, hybrid forms of culture? Discuss and analyze, applying suitable models, focussing on the impact on business. cta_question_1


SCO104: Identify one issue from the required reading that is relevant to the course and Based on that issue, state a position: Globalization and Technology Essay, SUSS, Singapore

Question Identify one issue from the required reading that is relevant to the course. Based on that issue, state a position (i.e. your argument). Develop and substantiate your position/argument with relevant and accurate information, reasons, and analysis. Your submission will…

June 22nd, 2023 | SCO104 SUSS | SCO104 TMA

SCO104: Globalisation and Technology Essay, SUSS, Singapore: Identify one issue from the required reading (speech by PM Lee) that is relevant to the course

TMA01 Question Read the following speech: Lee Hsien Loong (2022, 25 March), “PM Lee Hsien Loong at the Opening of Dyson’s new global headquarters at St James Power Station”. Identify one issue from the required reading (speech by PM Lee)…

June 16th, 2023 | SCO104 SUSS | TECHNOLOGY ESSAY

SCO104: Globalization & Technology Assignment, SUSS, Singapore Explain the meaning of globalization and de-globalization. Describe the impact of technological change

Explain the meaning of globalization and de-globalization. Describe the impact of technological change on the globalization cycle. Identify the factors that encourage or discourage technological change and the diffusion of technology across time and space. Discuss the impact of the…

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